
GJHP offers specialist heritage & townscape services for projects affecting the historic environment
We provide advice for those seeking change to or near a heritage asset, and help you navigating the national and local heritage planning policy framework, working with you to set out the significance of your site and its surroundings.
We can produce a range of reports to support your proposals through the planning process including:
Baseline heritage and townscape assessments
Statements of significance of listed buildings, conservation areas and other heritage assets
Heritage, Listed Building and Townscape Assessments
Built heritage chapters for ES submissions
Appeal statements dealing with heritage and townscape matters
Projects can range from alterations to listed buildings to demolition and redevelopment in conservation areas, as well as proposals affecting the setting of listed buildings and other heritage assets. Examples of projects we have worked on are included in the projects section.
Our involvement can range from input at the early stage of a project and the preapplication stage, through to preparing appeal statements and acting as an expert witness.